Google Trust. Opt in for total protection.
It’s easy to get paranoid in these times. With surveillance, hacking and government requests for data on the rise, we need to start thinking seriously about self-protection. Your use of Google services like Gmail, Gchat and Google Search is based on trust. We take that seriously. While we cannot always protect information about you, we can help protect you. Google Trust offers you the world's first model for data insurance.
It's completely free, you pay with your data. The more Google products you use, the higher your insurance payout will be in case of data misuse through secret service or private criminals. Your policy will be automatically offered to you, based on our assessment of your risk.

Google Hug. There for one another.
Having a bad day? Chances are high that someone else is too. And they’re probably not far away. 82% of the average person’s human interactions are now digital – which leaves very little for real connection. Who do you reach out to when you need face to face contact just to share your feelings or drink a cup of tea?
With our unique behavioral monitoring algorithms, embedded within all Google tools and services, we know when you’re not at your best and what kind of interaction you might need to feel better. Google Hug helps you find others nearby who have the same needs you do. Anytime. Just reach out and you’ll find what you’re looking for. We promise.

Google Bee. Your little friend in the sky.
Introducing the first personal drone. Google Bee watches over your house and family when you are away, ensure your kids are going where they say they are going, and collects the best moments of your life to share with your family at the end of the day. Solar powered and suited to all weather conditions, the Bee flies above you (up to 1200 feet) almost unnoticed and collects information determined by you.
Or send the Bee on special missions: to check on the state of a party or to document the flying salmon.The possibilities are endless! You never need to miss out on anything again: concerts, birthday parties, conferences. It can even carry your garbage out! Google Bee lets you be in two places at once.

Google Bye. Be remembered.
Nobody wants to leave this world unnoticed. Everyone deserves a proper sendoff. Google Bye is a service to help you make sure you’re remembered the right way. Each time you use a Google service, like downloading an app from the Play Store or watching a video on Youtube, you tell us a little bit more about yourself. Why leave that valuable information with us when you can share it with others?
The Google Bye Profile will act as a memorial to you, highlighting (in images, video, audio and text) your unique character, achievements and special moments from your life. Automatically shared with all your contacts and living on in Google search results, it preserves the best version of you for others to cherish. So get busy living. We will handle the rest.
Why Google Nest?
In 2014 we purchased Nest Labs, an innovative little company reinventing unloved but important devices in the home such as thermostats and smoke alarms. We saw the potential of the brand to go further and to incorporate a range of new products for living life on the web with ease and comfort. The intention behind Google Nest is to restore confidence in the opportunities the internet offers. The products themselves are the result of an intensive period of studying user behavior in response to increased debate around privacy and government surveillance. They are designed to address the concerns our users have, about their data, with practical solutions. More products are currently under research.
Contact info@google-nest.org for further information.